Welcome to 2023. The theme: Covenant Highways.

Winners Covenant Greetings; 

  • Call: Praise the Lord, I am finally on the Covenant Highways of Life.
  • Response: And so am I in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Call: Congratulations.
  • All: Amen and Amen.
  1. Christmas Service will be held on Monday, 25th December 2023. Time 10am to 12pm
  2. End of year Special Thanksgiving service comes up on Sunday, 31st December 2023. Time 8am to 9am
  3. Cross overnight 2024 shall be our prophetic entrance into 2024 which is on Sunday, 31st December 2023. Time 1pm Canadian time(BC).
  4. Crossover Night Special praise will be from 11pm to 12am.
  5. 2024 – 21 days of prayer and fasting kicks off January 8 to 28, 2024

Covenant Hour of Prayer happens Monday to Friday at 6:00am to 7:00am. On Saturday the time is 9:00am to 10:00am.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4220212442?pwd=amZlYjdCQVBPYUZ6QndXcVRaaFM2dz09

You may also join on the following teleconference line:

Phone Number: 1422-021-2442
Access Code: 747287

Shiloh 2023

The theme: Redeemed To Flourish In Hard Times.

Date: Dec. 5-10, 2023.

Praise the Lord! Shiloh 2023, Redeemed To Flourish In Hard Times was a huge success. Delegates from around the world were in attendance with diverse instant miracles, signs and wonders with attendant testimonies in all the sessions.

To God alone be all the glory

The Prophetic Focus for November 2023 is:


Click here to read the Bishops’ letter expounding on the Prophetic Focus.

Midweek communion service holds every Wednesday at the church. Members are also encouraged to engage in prayer and fasting as they are able.

Service Times: 6:30pm – 8:00pm


Next Sunday December 17th, 2023, shall be our Special Monthly Anointing. where every worshipper shall be empowered for dominion and next levels. Expecting to be visited in this service as you come with your family members, friends, and other loved ones in-person for this life changing service. Service Time is 10AM

Sunday service holds weekly at the church from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Please be on time and also invite someone to church.

The weekly Winners Satellite Fellowship (WSF) holds 5:00pm to 6:00pm every Saturday at these locations. Please find one close to you and be a part of it.

Hurray!!!, its another time to gather has new members in Christ and the church to ask certain questions pertaining to our mode of worship as as a church.

Please join us for the Believers Foundation Class. It promises to be an amazing time in the presence of God

Comes up every last Sunday of the Month.  (11:50am – 1:30pm) @ Winners Chapel Church Auditorium

All members are encouraged to engage in a personal study of the entire bible using topical bible studies plan anchored around the theme of the month. May God empower you and open the eyes of your understanding as you do so.

To pray for the advancement of God’s kingdom, members are encouraged to dial the following prayer conference line 5:30pm to 6:00pm every weekday except for Wednesday to join fellow brethren in prayers.

Phone Number:
Access Code: